Welcome Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance


The administrative staff for the Manitouwadge Family Health Team works with Santé Manitouwadge Health to coordinate the Meals on Wheels Program. The Meals on Wheels Program offers 1 meal per day Monday to Friday, delivered around lunch hour. There is a fee per meal that is invoiced to the client monthly. Clients can choose what days during Monday to Friday that they wish to receive their meal.

The Manitouwadge Family Health Team administrative staff is the primary contact for the Meals on Wheels Program and organizes the volunteers to deliver the meals the clients in the program. They also ensure the completeness of the Meals on Wheels Application Form and liaison with the Santé Manitouwadge Health dietary lead for new applicants or changes to services for current clients.

You can reach the Meals on Wheels coordinator at: (807) 826-3251 Ext. 303

The client application for the Meals on Wheels Program can be found by clicking the link below, or can be picked up at the Manitouwadge Family Health Team

Meals on Wheels Client Application Form 
*Please note, the fee per day for Meals on Wheels service have increased to $12.00 as of April 1, 2024

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Postal Bag #1 - 1 Health Care Crescent
Manitouwadge, Ontario
P0T 2C0