Welcome Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance


Santé Manitouwadge Health delivers an interdisciplinary approach to palliative patients in our community and their families.

A holistic approach is used which helps to identify palliative patients early on in their palliative diagnosis and provides ongoing education, care and support throughout their journey.

The Caring Café is also an event ran for families of palliative patients.

For more information please contact us at 807-827-3251.

 Advanced Care planning

         CPR Pamphlet
         Advanced Care Palling FAQ
         Advanced Care Planning Workbook Canada
         Advanced Care Planning Workbook Ontario
         Advanced Care Planning CPR
         Advanced Care Planning Patient Resource
         Code Status Levels
         CPR Pamphlets Health Links
         POA living will
         Don't duck the conversation


  Cancer Resources

         Anxiety Patient (short) 
         Appetite Loss (short)
         Bowel Function
         Breath Shortness (short)
         Fever Postcard
         Hormonal Symptoms
         Mouth Care Cancer Treatment
         Mouth Problems
         Pain (short)
         Urinary Incontinence
         Urinary Problems
         Hand-Foot Syndrome During Treatment
         Low Platelet Count During Treatment

    Caregiver Information 

         Anticipatory Grief pamphlet 
         Someone You Love has Died Pamphlet
         Body Mechanics
         Burnout Guide
         Caregiver brochure
         Caregiver declaration of rights
         Caregiver Wellness Quiz
         Home Care
         Caring Café pamphlet
         Caregiver Survival Kit

Death Checklist and Resources

         Bereavement Fares
         Get a Death Certificate
         Death Certificate
         Death Final Checklist
         Northwest Funeral Alternative cost breakdown
         Northwest Funeral Alternative pamphlet 
         Request for Death Certificate
         Request for Marriage Certificate
         What to do when someone dies

Grief and Bereavement 

         Someone you Love had Died Pamphlet
         Grief and Bereavement Support Group
         Hospice Grief and Bereavement Support Services
         Grief pamphlet

 Patient and Caregiver Resources and Tools

         Application Form Seniors Services Van
         Food for Thought Pamphlet 
         myRide Patient Application Form
         Til Death Do Us Part pamphlet
         Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS-R)
         Edmonton Symptom Assessment System instructions
         Advanced  Frailty
         Advanced Heart Failure
         Hospice Application
         Hospice Main Brochure
         Hospice Template Regional
         Advanced Kidney Disease
         Advanced Lung Disease
         Medical Assistance in Dying Q and A
         Medical Assistance in Dying
         Palliative Performance Scale
         Paramedic Program Consent Form
         Paramedic Program Referral Form
         Paramedic Program Brochure
         Heart Pamphlet
         myRide Brochure
         Palliative Care Binder
         Palliative Care Pamphlet 

Versions française

Information sur le soignant   Caregiver Information     

         Cafe attentionne brochure caring cafe pamphlet 
         Le sommeil des aidants Managing Sleep
         Soins a Domicile Home Care
         Soins personnels pour les aidants Self Care for Caregivers
         Trousse de survie pour soignant Caregiver Survival Kit French Version
         Quand un proche est en train de mourir français
         Prendre soin de soi meme

Liste de controle des deces  Death Checklist and Resources

         Certificat de deces Death Cert French 
         Obtenez un certificat de deces Get a death registration
         Tarifs aeriens de deuil Bereavement Air fares
         Marriage certificate

Planification prealable des soins Advance Care Planning

         Cahier de planification prealable des soins Canada Advanced Care Planning Workbook Canada
         FAQ sur la planification prealable des soins Advance Care Planning FAQ
         Planification preablable des soins RCR Advanced Care Planning CPR
         Procuration Power of Attorney
         Testament de vie living will french 
         Cahier d'exercices
         Planification prealable des soins Ressource pour les patients

 Ressources et outils pour les patients et les soignants   Patient and Caregiver Resources and Tools

         Application My Ride MyRide application
         Assistance medicale a mourir maid
         Brochure sur les soins palliatifs Pamphlet palliative
         Cartable Palliatve Care pour les Aidants Palliative Care
         CCO ESAS
         Coeur spa-ltc-heart_jan21_2016_final-fr
         Demence spa-ltc-dementia_jan21_2016_final-fr
         Echelle de performance palliative pps_french
         Fragilite spa-ltc-frailty_jan25_2016_final-fr
         Nourriture pour la pensee Food_for_Thought_French
         Poumon spa-ltc-lung_jan21_2016_final-fr
         Un rein spa-ltc-kidney_jan21_2016_final-fr
         Contrat de service pour l'hospice Agreement for Hospice
         Application d'hospoice
         Brochure sur l hospice
         Journey Through End of Life Booklet FR

Ressources Liees au Cancer  Cancer Resources Cancer Resources         

         Sante Osseuse
         Exercice 2
         Intimite et sexe
         La Diarrhee
         la nausee
         Perte dappetit
         Plaquettes faibles
         Problemes de bouche
         Problemes sexuels
         soins bucco-dentaires pendant les traitmeents contre le cancer
         Syndrome de la main et due pied
         Une depression